Choosing a career is choosing the kind of life that you want to lead for the rest of your life or at least for a significant period of a person’s productive life .

•You define the kind of lifestyle that will characterize most of your life. It Marks the beginning of who you are going to be, most people spend a considerable part of their lives in their careers.

•It is therefore a decision that you cannot make in hurry or someone else can make it to make for you.

Here at Cleveland Medical Training college, we provide career couselling and guidance to ensure that we align your passion with your future career. It is indeed imperative to undertake a course that will give you a job satisfaction.

7 Key Factors to Consider

1)Do you Know yourself?-Know your strengths

2)What is your Passion?

3)What is your Personality?

4)What are your Values?

5)Personal Dreams and Vision.?

6)What are  your gifts/Talents?

7)What are your ambitions?

Downloard our Career Booklet 


Click to Download Our Booklet

Join Cleveland Medical Training College to pursue a CNA course. CNA is a professional that plays very pivotal role in the Health Care Sector, thus as important as patient care. Every Health Care system requires a certified nursing assistant making their role multifaceted and indeed critical and important. A nurse or a doctor will always require the services of a CNA officer at any given time. Their role is so vital and demanding. This thus call for thorough training in the field. Read More

Certificate in Perioperative Theatre Technology offered at Cleveland Medical Training College is design to help students gain knowledge and skills necessary to help surgeons in hospitals during major and minor surgeries.Read More

This course is designed to equip an individual with competencies required to provide services in a Perioperative Theatre set-up in a hospital. It entails preventing nosocomial infections; providing technical services to the theatre team; ensuring safety of patients and the theatre team; participating in operation theatre clinical services and maintaining theatre instruments and apparatus. It also involves administration and management of an operation theatre department in a hospital.

Certificate Community Health   is a health course which entails equipping trainees with relevant skills, knowledge, and expertise with the aim of ensuring a competent health officer at the community level. Join Cleveland Medical Training College (CMTC) today and realize your dream career as you unleash your potential.Read more 

Certificate in Care Giving/Health Care Assistant

This course is designed to equip an individual with competencies required to participate in provision of health services support in a hospital set up. It entails Participating in infection prevention and control; performing hospital housekeeping procedures and executing supportive store procedures. 

Patient attendants take care of a patient’s basic needs, whether they’re in a hospital, nursing facility, or in a home setting.Read more

Diploma in Health Records with IT

Diploma in Health Records with IT offered at Cleveland Medical Training college is key to the students who will work in a medical related field. The knowledge of health records helps students to apply the principles of health informatics to analyze, tabulate and record medical records in a health facility.Read more

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